Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"I am 2..."

I can't believe it, my baby is 2! And it just makes me so sad that she's not little any more but it is so fun to see her growing and learning new things all the time. She can say anything she wants to and it has just been the last month or so that she has just started such funny things. The other day I found her trying on my shoes and walking all around the house it was so cute! She loves her babies to go to sleep with. And she still really likes her bink, I know so naughty but she only gets it in her bed so that's progress. She loves to sing along with me as I sing her bed time song and it's adorable and makes me smile every time! This girl is a dancer and can really shake it, if you know what I mean, I love it so much! There are so many things I love about this girl I am just so happy that she's mine and is a part of our little family!
Happy Birthday Princess!


Sheral Wilson said...

Joel said she stole his heart Memorial Weekend!! :) What a cutie!

Lemmiwinks said...

lolwhat ?