Oh my goodness I can not believe I am the mother of a 4 year old! It's crazy how fast time flies by. Aidens Birthday was Wed the 16th and he had been looking forward to it for ever it feels like. And I totally think it lived up to the hype! He seriously had an awesome day and party! Looking through these pictures you might notice a slight theme let's see if you can guess....
Honestly how adorable are these two? I feel like I never get pictures of them together, I love this one!
"Transformers more than meets the eye, Transformers robots in disguise."
Anyways it was so nice of everyone to come that could, I know it meant a lot to Aiden to have his family and some of his best buddies there.
Aww... so cute!! Happy Birthday Aiden!! Now I've got that song stuck in my head!!
P.S. - Where's the picture of the shaved head??
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